Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Binaural beats lucid dreaming

A programmable audio generator intended as an aural aid to meditation, implementing the binaural beat principle as described in Gerald Oster's Oct. 1973 Scientific American article "Auditory Beats in the Brain."


A programmable auditory binaural-beat generator, implementing the principle described in the October 1973 Scientific American article "Auditory Beats in the Brain" by Gerald Oster. The theme of the article is that the processing of binaural beats involves different neural pathways than conventional hearing. Research inspired by the article went on to show that binaural beats can induce a "frequency-following response" (FFR) in brainwave activity. An early version of Gnaural called WinAural was used for at least one such published study,

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Binaural Beats

Many consider the idea of binaural beats influencing brainwave activity "controversial", but only the claims of what the influence means are controversial. That rhythmic stimuli can induce FFR is well established across many species, comprising a subject known as "driving", with binaural beats falling under the category "auditory driving", but not having a monopoly on it. Even the isochronal beating of a drum can induce FFR. But binaural beats appear to have advantages over other auditory approaches by being more efficient, both as a true low-frequency sinusoidal stimulus and by engaging more neural circuits than conventional hearing. BBs are also less invasive than some of the non-auditory approaches such as photic or electromagnetic, which are effective but induce seizures in a percentage of the population. In my experience, binaural beats have been as harmless as anything else I listen to through headphones.

Binaural beats, on the other hand, provide a direct means by which pure acoustic tones can be delivered to directly produce a driving stimulus within the range of brainwave activity. Perhaps even more important (in regard to driving) is that with binaural beats, the driving stimulus arises internally (within the auditory system). This suggests that binaural beats may more effectively induce driving than simple monaural modulation, if only for the fact that the resulting stimuli arises directly within neural pathways that can be measured in the course of gauging brainwave activity.


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